Sabtu, 14 September 2024

Wasapada Saat Membeli Emas


Saat kita mau membeli emas perhiasan ada faktor yang perlu kita perhatikan yaitu terkait dengan keaslian emas yang kita beli,  risiko terbesar adalah kemungkinan mendapatkan emas palsu. Emas palsu ini bisa sangat mirip dengan emas asli, sehingga sulit dibedakan oleh orang awam.

Mengapa Risiko Keaslian Sangat Tinggi?

  • Motif Keuntungan: Banyak oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab memanfaatkan tingginya minat masyarakat pada emas untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dengan menjual emas palsu.
  • Teknologi Pemalsuan: Teknologi pemalsuan emas semakin canggih, sehingga membuat emas palsu semakin sulit dibedakan dari emas asli.
  • Kurangnya Pengetahuan: Tidak semua orang memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup tentang emas, sehingga mudah tertipu oleh penjual yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Dampak Membeli Emas Palsu

  • Kerugian Finansial: Anda akan kehilangan uang karena nilai emas palsu jauh lebih rendah daripada emas asli.
  • Kekecewaan: Anda akan merasa kecewa karena investasi yang Anda lakukan ternyata tidak sesuai dengan harapan.
  • Kerugian Psikologis: Kepercayaan Anda terhadap investasi emas bisa terpengaruh.

Bagaimana Cara Mencegah Membeli Emas Palsu?

  • Beli dari Sumber Terpercaya: Selalu beli emas dari toko emas resmi atau lembaga keuangan yang terpercaya.
  • Minta Sertifikat: Mintalah sertifikat keaslian emas yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga yang kredibel.
  • Periksa Kemurnian: Periksalah kadar kemurnian emas yang tertera pada sertifikat.
  • Uji Coba Sederhana: Lakukan uji coba sederhana, seperti uji gores atau uji magnet, meskipun uji ini tidak selalu akurat.
  • Konsultasi dengan Ahli: Jika ragu, konsultasikan dengan ahli atau tukang emas yang berpengalaman.

Ciri-Ciri Emas Palsu

  • Warna: Emas asli memiliki warna kuning yang khas dan tidak terlalu mengkilap. Emas palsu biasanya memiliki warna yang lebih cerah atau kusam.
  • Berat: Emas asli terasa lebih berat dibandingkan dengan logam lain yang memiliki ukuran yang sama.
  • Suara: Jika diketuk, emas asli akan menghasilkan suara yang nyaring dan beresonansi.
  • Tanda Las: Perhatikan adanya tanda las yang tidak rapi atau warna yang tidak seragam.

Sekali lagi kita sampaikan " waspadalah"...... Penipuan akan selalu ada.

Penguji kadar emas 

Anda perlua alat-alat tes emas? kunjungi  

Pengujian emas dengan Ultrasonic atau Gelombang Suara


Ultrasonic gold testing is an increasingly popular method in the jewelry world. This method uses high-frequency sound waves to analyze the properties of materials, including gold.

How does it work?

The basic principle of ultrasonic testing is to send sound waves into the material to be tested. These sound waves will then be reflected back when they hit the boundary between two different materials, such as gold and its coating. The time it takes for the sound waves to return and the pattern of their reflection will provide information about:

  • Layer thickness: By measuring the time it takes for sound waves to pass through the layer and return, the layer thickness can be determined very accurately.
  • Material density: The speed of sound waves in a material is affected by the density of the material. Thus, the density of the material can be estimated.
  • Presence of defects: If there are defects or cracks in the material, sound waves will be obstructed or deflected, resulting in different reflection patterns.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Testing

  • Non-destructive: This method does not damage the material being tested, making it ideal for high-value jewelry.
  • Accurate: Thickness and density measurements can be performed with a very high degree of accuracy.
  • Fast: The testing process can be done quickly, making it efficient on an industrial scale.
  • Non-invasive: Testing can be performed without damaging the material surface.

Applications in Gold Testing

  • Checking the thickness of the coating: Ultrasonic testing is very useful for checking the thickness of the gold coating on gold plated jewellery.
  • Detecting defects: This method can be used to detect internal defects such as cracks or cavities in gold bars or jewelry.
  • Distinguishing between real and fake gold: By comparing the speed of sound waves in the material being tested with the reference value for pure gold, it can be determined whether the material is real gold or not.


  • The surface must be smooth: The surface of the material to be tested must be smooth enough for sound waves to propagate properly.
  • Special equipment: Special, fairly expensive equipment is required to perform ultrasonic testing.
  • Trained operator: Interpretation of test results requires skill and experience.

Jumat, 13 September 2024

Pengujian Kadar Emas dengan Alat Modern


Gold Content Testing with XRF: Complete Guide

What is XRF?

XRF or X-ray Fluorescence is a chemical analysis technique used to determine the elemental composition of a material non-destructively. In the context of gold testing, XRF works by emitting X-rays into a gold sample. The interaction between the X-rays and the gold atoms will produce fluorescent X-rays with specific energies that are unique to each element. By analyzing the energy and intensity of these fluorescent X-rays, we can determine the purity of the gold.

Why is XRF Used to Measure Gold Content?

  • Fast and Accurate: The XRF testing process is very fast, taking only a few seconds to get results. The high accuracy also makes it a very reliable method.
  • Non-Destructive: Unlike traditional testing methods that often damage samples, XRF leaves no traces on the gold being tested.
  • Portable: Many modern XRF instruments are designed to be portable so they can be taken anywhere for field testing.
  • Multi-Element: In addition to gold, XRF can also detect the presence of other elements that may be present in jewelry or other precious metals.

Testing Process with XRF

  1. Sample Preparation: The gold sample is cleaned to remove impurities that may interfere with the test results.
  2. Measurement: The XRF instrument is directed at the surface of the gold sample. X-rays are emitted and the sensor detects the resulting fluorescent X-rays.
  3. Data Analysis: Data obtained from the sensor is then processed by software to produce results in the form of a percentage of gold content.

Benefits of Using XRF:

  • Speed: Test results can be obtained within seconds.
  • Accuracy: The test results are very accurate and reliable.
  • Ease of Use: Modern XRF instruments are very easy to operate, even by users without a technical background.
  • Flexibility: Can be used for various types of gold samples, both jewelry and bullion.

Limitations of XRF:

  • Penetration Depth: XRF can only analyze the surface layer of a sample. For very thick samples, additional analytical techniques may be required.
  • Matrix Interference: The presence of other elements in the sample may interfere with the test results.

XRF Applications in Gold Assay:

  • Grade Verification: Ensure the gold grade matches what is stated on the label.
  • Alloy Detection: Detecting the presence of other metals mixed with gold.
  • Secondhand Appraisal: Assessing the resale value of secondhand gold jewelry.
  • Quality Control: Ensuring the quality of gold products produced by the jewelry factory.


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